BDR Pharmaceuticals International Private Limited
407-408, Sharda Chambers, New Marine Lines,
Mumbai 400020
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BDR Group of companies has grown steadily and become a house-hold name in the pharmaceutical Industry over the last 15 years, in both domestic and international arenas. We are recognized as a “niche” player in manufacturing of Pharmaceutical APIs and for our renowned new age formulations. The group is complemented majorly by its two companies - BDR Pharmaceuticals International Pvt Ltd and BDR Life sciences Pvt. Ltd, each one having stamped its own supremacy in respective fields, i.e. API and formulation manufacturing, respectively.
BDR Group focuses on development in 4 specialized therapeutic segments, viz. Oncology, Critical care, Gynecology & Neurology, which are its dream segments.
Over the years, BDR has built an undeniable reputation for its specialization in early identification, development and introduction of new molecules, in a continuous endeavor to make globally available high cost medicines to local masses at affordable prices;
Innovation and development are the inalienable cornerstones of BDR group. We invest heavily in R&D activities, possess state–of-the-art API and Formulation development centers accredited by the DSIR, Government of India. Our facilities are in a state of constant & continuous upgradation, so as to keep up and meet with the constantly growing demands of the dynamic International scenario. Blending of human skill and innovative expertise of BDR often acts as a catalyst for development of desired modern technology and setting up of world class facilities.
BDR‘s philosophy of sustained growth and consolidation is achieved by strategic tie-ups with several globally renowned players. Today, we can boast of having tie-ups with market leaders in almost all the strategically important emerging markets. We are proud recipient of “Golden Award for Best Exporter” from Pharmexcil (Export Promotion Council) consecutively since 2010.
Over the years having credibly established ourselves as reliable API manufacturers and suppliers, we have made forays into manufacturing and marketing of oncological formulations, initially under contract manufacturing understanding. Today, BDR Group has its own in-house manufacturing support for both APIs and formulations in this critical and life saving segment.
One such state – of - the - art manufacturing unit, specialized in Oncology oral formulations, is already commissioned and is into production. This unit located in Vadodara, Gujarat State is both WHO GMP and EU-GMP compliant. More audits at the hands of similar international Agencies as a prelude to such recognition are in the anvil starting with ANVISA, Brazil, in the near future.
On a parallel note, BDR now has ambitious plans to manufacture specialized Oncological Injectable dosage forms as the next giant step. Towards the initial step, the manufacturing site in Halol District in Gujarat has been acquired and construction work is all set to commence. Once ready and operational, this facility will target for approval from various international accreditation agencies, including from US, Europe, African and Asian Health Authorities.
An API facility dedicated to Biotech products and another formulation plant at Savli, Vadodara, under SEZ promoted by the Gujarat government will fulfill BDR’s ambitious long term goals being self – reliant in manufacturing.